PROFEPA Certifies Plant AlEn Villahermosa as Clean Industry

Villahermosa, Tabasco February 16, 2018 – Planta Villahermosa from Grupo AlEn received the re-certification as Clean...

Grupo AlEn joins the COFEPRIS program

We have the firm commitment with health and wellness in our community and therefore foster activities that promote...

AlEn employees show their engagement during the Earth Week.

On the occasion of the International Earth Day (April 22), at Grupo AlEn we carried out a celebration week, that was...

A decade recognized as Socially Responsible Enterprise

For the tenth consecutive year we have been recognized as Socially Responsible Enterprise (ESR) by the Mexican Center...

Global Recycling Day, a daily celebration of Grupo AlEn

At Grupo AlEn sustainability is and has been our purpose since many years ago, we are totally convinced that in order...

69 years bringing hygiene and wellness to millions of homes

At Grupo AlEn today we celebrate 69 years working so our world can be a better place. Congratulations to our clients...

Guadalajara Plant, re-certified by PROFEPA as Clean Industry

We are celebrating. Last May 24, Biol. Jaime Eduardo García Sepúlveda Deputy Director of Environmental Audits and...

Grupo AlEn promoting the recycling culture in Nuevo León.

México generates hundreds of tons of daily waste, which reach the landfills or remain in the streets, where they break...

Thank you! Leading brands in the market

Cloralex, Ensueño and Pinol within the Top 10 most selected brands for Home Care.Kantar Worldpanel in its Brand...

Fundación AlEn brings cleaning and disinfection to Sinaloa.

Grupo AlEn through its Foundation is solidary with families affected in Sinaloa due to floods. ...

In October, AlEn joined the fight against breast cancer

Every year in México, thousands of women are diagnosed with breast cancer. The good news is that detecting on time can...

Grupo AlEn best supplier for Walmart in the Logistics category

Within the 2018 Walmart Supplier Forum, Guilherme Loureiro, Executive Chairman and General Director of Walmart de...