In synergy with Agroindustrias Unidas de México, S.A. de C.V. (AMSA) we have created Grupo Agroforestal, dedicated to the development of commercial plantations of tropical pine tree and African palm tree in the Southern part of Mexico, with the purpose to promote progress in Mexican fields and efficiently produce the highest quality raw materials, with innovating technology, while protecting and preserving the environment.

Since 2011 it has transformed cattle land into forestry and agricultural lands with a projection for planting 10,000 hectares of palm and 5,000 hectares of pine tree.

Through this project we develop small producers, suppliers and local communities while employing around 1,500 people directly. In addition the project has extensive areas for endemic flora and fauna preservation.

In 2017 the operation of our palm oil extracting plant will start, the largest in México and with innovating technology that will enable having an efficient and environmentally friendly process.